16: Seeing Dots
Moving On
The concepts you’re learning are becoming more complex, and you’ll
probably find it will take some time living with these ideas before they
really stick, so come back and review as much as you want.
Now that you understand that a dot increases the length of a note by half
its original value, you can decipher the length of any dotted note.
Coming up next is another treatment of the notes you already know,
called triplets, which is a grouping of three notes. Find out what it all
means in the next chapter.
Chapter 16 Review
- What does a dot do to a note?
- How long is a dotted half note?
- How long is a dotted quarter note?
- How long is a dotted eighth note?
- Which type of note usually follows a dotted eighth
- Why?
- Makes the note it
follows 1 1/2 times
as long
- Three beats
- 1 1/2 beats
- 3/4 of a beat
- Sixteenth note
- To round out the
Practical Use
- In any clef, using as few measures as possible in 6/4 time, include every dotted note
you’ve learned. Write in the counting and the letter names of the notes. Check your
work with a friend.