What is the count for a measure of sixteenth note
triplets in 2/4 time?
Where is your foot positioned on “+” part of the
How long is a quarter note triplet?
How long is each note in the quarter note triplet?
On which part of the foot tap does the 2nd note of
the quarter note triplet fall?
On which part of the foot tap does the 3rd note of
the quarter note triplet fall?
Ask a teacher or musician to demonstrate quarter
note triplets to you.
3. 1/2 beat
4. 1 la li + la li
2 la li + la li
5. Up
6. Two beats
7. 2/3 beat
8. Just after the “+”
of the first tap.
9. Just after the
second tap.
Practical Use
In any clef write out three measures of 4/4 time using all the triplet figures you’ve
learned. Write in the count underneath them.
Play or sing what you’ve written. If it is too difficult, simplify it as much as
possible until you can sing or play it.
Have someone demonstrate quarter note triplets for you. Imitate what you hear.