Basic Music Theory: How to Read, Write, and Understand Written Music

(Barré) #1
Basic Music Theory

If you like grunge rock, get the best there is and listen to it. If you like
speed metal, find the best and listen to it. If you like classical music,
find the best symphony orchestras under the best conductors and listen
to them. I could go on, but I’m sure you get the idea. Find the best.
And the best is simply what you like best. Don’t give up. There is so
much music out there that most of it will do nothing for you. But on
the other hand, there is so much music out there, you’re bound to find
something you love to hear. And you’ll love to play it, too. Keep your
ears out and wide open.

How to Get Better

Beginnings are Delicate Times

If you’re a beginner, it’s essential to take things slowly. As a beginner
you’re trying to get the hang of a very complex task that involves many
different and difficult skills, and it takes time. Stick with it. You’ll get it.
I have never run into someone who has said, “Gee, I’m sure glad I quit
playing my guitar/clarinet/trumpet/piano.” It’s always the opposite.
Tack up encouraging notes to yourself. On my desk I have a fortune
cookie message which says, “Be persistent and you will win.”
As a beginner, your playing sessions might be ten to fifteen minutes,
three or four times a week. The less you play, the longer it will take to get
better. Remember this. It seems very common sense, but I see it all the
time with new students—playing is difficult and unfamiliar at first so
they don’t play much or not at all and it remains difficult and unfamiliar
and frustrating.
The less you play, the longer it will take to get better. There is no
getting around this. Once a week will simply not cut it. Of course it’s
better than nothing, but it’s too easy to forget all that information over a
week’s time and when you get back to your instrument, very little will
have changed. This will be very frustrating. Avoid frustration by playing
more often.
Play as long as you can, but don’t push it too hard. Remember that the
best indication of when it’s time to stop is your frustration/boredom
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