Basic Music Theory: How to Read, Write, and Understand Written Music

(Barré) #1
Part II Review

  1. What is the symbol for a whole step?
    page 175

  2. Between which degrees of the major scale do the
    half steps occur?
    page 174

  3. Use your keyboard to figure out the following
    scales: A Major, Ab Major, D Major, and Db
    page 177

  4. How are key signatures and the major scale
    page 180

  5. What is the order of flats?
    page 181

  6. How do you find the name of a flat key?
    page 181

  7. Which key has only one flat in it?
    page 182

  8. Which flat is that?
    page 182

  9. Which key has four flats?
    page 181


  1. 3-4, 7-8

  2. A key signature
    gives the correct
    whole and half
    steps for a major
    scale of the same


  4. The second -to-
    the-last flat in the
    key signature is
    the name of the

  5. F

  6. Bb

  7. Ab

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