Basic Music Theory: How to Read, Write, and Understand Written Music

(Barré) #1

31: Chord Progressions

The ii V^7 I Progression

This is another very common chord progression, used in everything from
pop songs, to country to jazz and beyond.

Example 31.3 The ii V^7 I progression in the key of C, root position, treble clef.

And now for the same progression, but following more of the guidelines
for voice leading.
This time, see if you can spot the voice doublings, the common chord
tones, and the half step motion.
As I began to write out the example below, a tune came on my stereo and
it caught my ear because it used the ii V I progression over and over for
several measures, and it sounded good, so I swiped it and put it below.

Example 31.4 ii V^7 I in the key of C.

Play this one on the piano too, and try it in other keys as well as with
other voicings and other inversions. Once you get the sound in your head,
you’ll recognize this progression all over the place.

ii V^7 I

Dmin G^7 C

Dmin G^7 C

ii^6 V I

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