Basic Music Theory: How to Read, Write, and Understand Written Music

(Barré) #1

Postlude: What Comes Next

So Much More

Congratulations for getting through a huge load of information. Because
there is so much that you’ve learned, don’t be surprised if you forget
parts of it, and feel free to go back and review anything you need to
review. It’s normal.
Even though you’ve taken in a great deal of information, there is much,
much more left to be learned, if you’re willing to learn it. Things like
more advanced chord progressions, more chord extensions, transposing
from one part to another, arranging music, composing music, and on and
on and on.
It’s exciting how much there is to learn; a lifetime’s worth, really.

Theory Ain’t Everything

Keep in mind that music theory is only one of many tools to be used to
become a better musician. The music is the master, and the quest for a
better performance of the music is the reason for this factual, rule-based
method of writing down the sounds.
With so many rules and regulations in music theory, it can be easy to get
away from the ultimate goal of music theory, which is to enable you to
produce and perform better music.
So keep making music, with all your heart and all your brains.

Drop Me An E-mail

If you notice problems or inconsistencies or downright mistakes, please
let me know so I can make this a better book in future editions.
And of course, if you liked the book and it helped you, I’d love to hear
about it. You can reach me at [email protected]
Due to limited time, and the volume of e-mails I receive, it’s tough to
answer music theory-related questions, but feel free to give it a try
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