Basic Music Theory: How to Read, Write, and Understand Written Music

(Barré) #1



Get The Most out of Basic Music Theory

It’s okay, we can admit it. Everyone would rather play music than study music theory, teachers and
students alike. No big surprise there, right? Yet we all know the important role theory plays in
communicating a musical idea. Despite this knowledge, music theory isn’t taught for several
reasons: no good methods students enjoy, no time, and no money to buy books, are only a few

So what’s the answer? Theory in small, enjoyable doses from a program designed as a cost- and
time- effective teaching tool. This book.

Though it works well for individuals, Basic Music Theory was written specifically for use in the
classroom. Its clear explanations, short chapters, and reviews make it a low-maintenance option for
teachers with limited time (and we all have limited time, right?).

The Classroom Packet

The Classroom Packet is an addition which complements Basic Music Theory. In it are Chapter and
Part quizzes, student tracking forms, book tracking forms, and additional information like how to
schedule time for theory, how to pay for books, and fun yet productive rehearsal suggestions.

Combined with the Classroom Packet, Basic Music Theory is the best method for teaching music
theory to be found anywhere, and it works with classes of all sizes.


Though I’m aware that multiple-choice tests are a poor way to determine comprehension, they are
very efficient. With our limited time, and class sizes that exist only in other teachers' nightmares,
efficiency is a must.

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