7: No Trouble with Treble
Golly G
Okay, I’m sure you’re dying of suspense. The treble clef used to be the
letter G.
You can kind of see its “g-ness” if you use some imagination. The treble
clef is also called the G clef because it shows where the note G is on the
The inner loop of the treble clef circles the second line and thus names it
Example 7.1 The treble clef, languidly looping line two.
Once you know where “G” is, use the musical alphabet (A-G) to fill in
the rest of the notes. Remember that when naming notes in order, the
notes go: line, space, line, space, line, space, etc. Like so:
Example 7.2 The treble clef note names, alphabetically from the bottom line to the top of the staff.
What? You Want it Easier? Okay.
Instead of memorizing that long string of letters above, you can
memorize two short strings of letters. Five letters for the lines, and four
letters for the spaces.
A mnemonic device will make it even easier.