Basic Music Theory: How to Read, Write, and Understand Written Music

(Barré) #1
7: No Trouble with Treble

Mnemonics for Treble Clef Spaces

Example 7.4 The treble clef spaces.

Take a couple minutes to come up with your own mnemonic device. If
you make up your own, you’re more likely to remember it. But, if
nothing comes to you, memorize one from above that you like.
If you come up with some good ones, send them to me:
[email protected] and I’ll put the best ones in the next
edition of Basic Music Theory and give you credit for your ideas.

Moving On

Because so many instruments use treble clef, it’s important to learn this
clef even if you’re instrument uses another type of clef. Once you
understand this clef and how it names the second line, you’ll be ready for
Chapter 8, which shows you all the fascinating details of the bass clef.

Chapter 7 Study Guide


FFarting Frequent
AAlways Asking
CCauses Can
EEnemies Enlighten

  1. What letter did the treble clef used to be?

  2. The inner loop of the treble
    clef circles which line?

    1. G

    2. 2nd

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