
(Elliott) #1

Some components, such as speakers or buzzers, have holes in flanges that
you can use to secure the component to the wall of the box with screws. Use
the flange holes as a template to mark the locations to drill holes.

Some components are meant to be panel-mounted but don’t have threads.
For example, in Chapter 11, we use a two-piece, LED panel-mount socket in
which one part of the socket slides through the hole and onto the other half
and snaps in place, securing the LED.

In some cases, you have to mount microphone cartridges that don’t come
with threads or snap sockets in the walls of boxes. Simply drill a hole that’s
just big enough in diameter to slip the cartridge in with a snug fit. If you’re
using a wooden box, the wall of the box should be thick enough to secure the
microphone cartridge. If you’re using a plastic box, you’ll probably need to
secure the microphone cartridge with glue.

Sticking things on the box
If you use screws to attach a component to a wooden box and you want to
put something else over the screw head, use a flathead screw, as shown in
Figure 4-16. When you don’t need to keep the surface flush, panhead screws
are just fine.

Figure 4-16:
Keep the
flush with

80 Part I: Project Prep

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