
(Elliott) #1

Building an amplifier circuit..............................................................

The first step in building a parabolic microphone is to tackle the circuit that
forms its electronic brains. Here are the steps involved:

  1. Place LM386N-1 (IC2) and five terminal blocks (TB) on the bread-
    board, as shown in Figure 6-5.

The five terminal blocks shown in this figure will be used to connect two
wires each to various components in the circuit. The wires from these
five terminal blocks will go to the battery pack, the on/off switch, the
microphone, the speaker, and the potentiometer.

  1. Insert wires to connect the IC and the terminal blocks to the ground
    bus and insert a wire between the two ground buses to connect them,
    as shown in Figure 6-6.

Six shorter wires connect components to ground bus; the long wire on
the right connects the two ground buses.

Figure 6-5:
Place the IC
and terminal
on the

Chapter 6: Focusing Sound with a Parabolic Microphone 123

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