
(Elliott) #1

  1. Twist the free ends of the wires from the microphone cartridge
    together and feed the microphone wires through the PVC fittings from
    inside the parabolic dish until the end of the wire reaches the^3 ⁄ 8 " hole.
    If you have trouble pushing the wires around the 90° turn, take a stiff
    wire with a hook shape in the end (we used some 10 gauge wire; many
    building supply stores will sell you a few feet of this) and pull the wires
    through the PVC fittings and pipe.

  2. Use a piece of 20 or 22 gauge wire with a hook shape on the end to
    pull the wires from the microphone cartridge through the^3 ⁄ 8 " hole.

  3. Pull the wires through the^3 ⁄ 8 " hole, leaving enough wire inside the
    parabolic dish for the microphone cartridge to reach the 1^1 ⁄ 2 " washer
    with about two inches of slack left over.

  4. Cut the wires to allow three inches to extend from the^3 ⁄ 8 " hole in the
    pipe and attach each wire to a right-angle phono plug, as shown in
    Figure 6-14.
    You can use either a plug that requires soldering to the wire or one that
    uses a screw to secure the wire, as we did here.

Black wire Red wire

Ground pad +V pad

Figure 6-13:
Solder wires
to the

130 Part II: Sounding Off!

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