
(Elliott) #1
We discuss in Chapter 4 how you can determine how short to clip the
leads of many of these components to make them fit neatly on the bread-
board. Not to sound like your mother, but make sure you wear your
safety glasses when clipping leads!

Making a box into a radio ..................................................................

After you build the circuit, it needs a home, so the next step in the process is
to work with the box you purchased for your radio enclosure.

Follow these steps to get the box radio ready:

  1. Drill holes in the box where you will mount the variable capacitor,
    potentiometer, and on/off switch.
    We put both the on/off switch on one side of the box and the speaker,
    potentiometer and variable capacitor on another side, but the place-
    ment is really up to you. Figure 8-10 shows where we placed these com-

Pin 6 of IC2 to +V Battery terminal block to +V

Figure 8-7:
to the +V

174 Part II: Sounding Off!

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