
(Elliott) #1

Part II: Sounding Off! ..............................................................................

This part contains the first set of projects, all involving sound in some fash-
ion. Here you work on projects to make lights dance to music, create a para-
bolic microphone to pick up sounds at a distance, make a wizard that talks
when you push his buttons, and create your own AM radio.

Part III: Let There Be Light ....................................................................

Electricity can produce light (as Thomas Edison could have told you), so
here we show you how to work with light in a variety of ways. These projects
use light to amuse or even make gadgets run. In this part, you light up a
pumpkin by using a motion detector, create a light display that will make
your next party rock, and build a go-kart that you direct by using an infrared
remote control device.

Part IV: Good Vibrations........................................................................

Some electronic gadgets do their thing when they sense vibrations. All the
projects in this part depend on vibrations, including electrical, mechanical,
or radio waves. Work through these projects to create a metal detector, a
radio controlled vehicle that senses light and runs around a track, and a
device that sits on your couch and raises a ruckus if your pet jumps on the

Part V: The Part of Tens.........................................................................

The chapters in this part provide the ever-popular For Dummiestop-ten lists.
Use the recommendations here to explore some interesting suppliers of elec-
tronic parts and tools; get information or swap ideas about general electron-
ics topics online or in print; or look into resources for more specialized
interests, such as audio effects and robotics.

Icons Used in This Book ..................................................................................

We live in a visual world, so this book uses little icons to point out useful
information of various types.

Introduction 3

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