
(Elliott) #1
workspace, put on safety glasses. That could be going too far, but there are
many, many instances when you should wear them: when cutting anything,
soldering, clipping wires, and so on. Consider whether safety glasses wouldn’t
be a good idea before you do any procedure.

Don’t delude yourself that regular prescription glasses will protect you. They
aren’t necessarily made of shatterproof material. Too, they have no protec-
tion along the sides.

Direct things that you’re cutting down — toward your workbench — instead
of up toward your face. As long as you can make the cut without looking, this
can guarantee that flying pieces go away from you and not toward you.

If you’re working a lot with something that generates fumes (anything from
paint to solder), consider taking a cue from Zorro and wearing a mask called
a respirator(but wear yours over your mouth and nose) that can be found at
any hardware store. Respirators are rated for different types of protection, so
make sure you get the appropriate one. For example, one type might keep
small particles like sawdust out of your mouth, and another might be
designed to keep fumes at bay.

Figure 2-4:
Our very

28 Part I: Project Prep

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