100 The Brothers Karamazov
A mournful smile came on to his lips.
‘Have you asked him whether he believes it?’ asked Alyo-
‘No, I haven’t. I wanted to, but I couldn’t. I hadn’t the
courage. But I saw it from his eyes. Well, good-bye!’
Once more they kissed hurriedly, and Alyosha was just
going out, when Mitya suddenly called him back.
‘Stand facing me! That’s right!’ And again he seized Alyo-
sha, putting both hands on his shoulders. His face became
suddenly quite pale, so that it was dreadfully apparent, even
through the gathering darkness. His lips twitched, his eyes
fastened upon Alyosha.
‘Alyosha, tell me the whole truth, as you would before
God. Do you believe I did it? Do you, do you in yourself, be-
lieve it? The whole truth, don’t lie!’ he cried desperately.
Everything seemed heaving before Alyosha, and he felt
something like a stab at his heart.
‘Hush! What do you mean?’ he faltered helplessly.
‘The whole truth, the whole, don’t lie!’ repeated Mitya.
‘I’ve never for one instant believed that you were the mur-
derer!’ broke in a shaking voice from Alyosha’s breast, and
he raised his right hand in the air, as though calling God to
witness his words.
Mitya’s whole face was lighted up with bliss.
‘Thank you!’ he articulated slowly, as though letting a sigh
escape him after fainting. ‘Now you have given me new life.
Would you believe it, till this moment I’ve been afraid to ask
you, you, even you. Well, go! You’ve given me strength for
to-morrow. God bless you! Come, go along! Love Ivan!’ was