100 The Brothers Karamazov
Chapter 5
Not You, Not You!
N the way to Ivan he had to pass the house where
Katerina Ivanovna was living. There was light in the
windows. He suddenly stopped and resolved to go in. He
had not seen Katerina Ivanovna for more than a week. But
now it struck him that Ivan might be with her, especially
on the eve of the terrible day. Ringing, and mounting the
staircase, which was dimly lighted by a Chinese lantern, he
saw a man coming down, and as they met, he recognised
him as his brother. So he was just coming from Katerina
‘Ah, it’s only you,’ said Ivan dryly. ‘Well, good-bye! You
are going to her?’
‘I don’t advise you to; she’s upset and you’ll upset her
A door was instantly flung open above, and a voice cried
‘No, no! Alexey Fyodorovitch, have you come from
‘Yes, I have been with him.’