The Brothers Karamazov

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had been roused in his quarrels with his father. There were
several stories current in the town about it. It is true that
he was irascible by nature, ‘of an unstable and unbalanced
mind,’ as our justice of the peace, Katchalnikov, happily de-
scribed him.
He was stylishly and irreproachably dressed in a care-
fully buttoned frock-coat. He wore black gloves and carried
a top hat. Having only lately left the army, he still had mous-
taches and no beard. His dark brown hair was cropped
short, and combed forward on his temples. He had the long,
determined stride of a military man. He stood still for a
moment on the threshold, and glancing at the whole par-
ty went straight up to the elder, guessing him to be their
host. He made him a low bow, and asked his blessing. Father
Zossima, rising in his chair, blessed him. Dmitri kissed his
hand respectfully, and with intense feeling, almost anger,
he said:
‘Be so generous as to forgive me for having kept you wait-
ing so long, but Smerdyakov, the valet sent me by my father,
in reply to my inquiries, told me twice over that the ap-
pointment was for one. Now I suddenly learn — ‘
‘Don’t disturb yourself,’ interposed the elder. ‘No matter.
You are a little late. It’s of no consequence.... ‘
‘I’m extremely obliged to you, and expected no less from
your goodness.’
Saying this, Dmitri bowed once more. Then, turning
suddenly towards his father, made him, too, a similarly low
and respectful bow. He had evidently considered it before-
hand, and made this bow in all seriousness, thinking it his

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