The Brothers Karamazov

(coco) #1
11  The Brothers Karamazov

him publicly, and all because he is an agent in a little busi-
ness of mine.’
‘It’s all a lie! Outwardly it’s the truth, but inwardly a lie!’
Dmitri was trembling with rage. ‘Father, I don’t justify my
action. Yes, I confess it publicly, I behaved like a brute to
that captain, and I regret it now, and I’m disgusted with my-
self for my brutal rage. But this captain, this agent of yours,
went to that lady whom you call an enchantress, and sug-
gested to her from you, that she should take I.O.U.s of mine
which were in your possession, and should sue me for the
money so as to get me into prison by means of them, if I
persisted in claiming an account from you of my property.
Now you reproach me for having a weakness for that lady
when you yourself incited her to captivate me! She told me
so to my face.... She told me the story and laughed at you....
You wanted to put me in prison because you are jealous of
me with her, because you’d begun to force your attentions
upon her; and I know all about that, too; she laughed at you
for that as well — you hear — she laughed at you as she
described it. So here you have this man, this father who re-
proaches his profligate son! Gentlemen, forgive my anger,
but I foresaw that this crafty old man would only bring you
together to create a scandal. I had come to forgive him if he
held out his hand; to forgive him, and ask forgiveness! But
as he has just this minute insulted not only me, but an hon-
ourable young lady, for whom I feel such reverence that I
dare not take her name in vain, I have made up my mind to
show up his game, though he is my father...’
He could not go on. His eyes were glittering and he

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