The Brothers Karamazov

(coco) #1
 The Brothers Karamazov

‘What does Ivan say? Alyosha, my dear, my only son, I’m
afraid of Ivan. I’m more afraid of Ivan than the other. You’re
the only one I’m not afraid of...’
‘Don’t be afraid of Ivan either. He is angry, but he’ll de-
fend you.’
‘Alyosha, and what of the other? He’s run to Grushenka.
My angel, tell me the truth, was she here just now or not?’
‘No one has seen her. It was a mistake. She has not been
‘You know Mitya wants to marry her, to marry her.’
‘She won’t marry him.’
‘She won’t. She won’t. She won’t. She won’t on any ac-
The old man fairly fluttered with joy, as though nothing
more comforting could have been said to him. In his delight
he seized Alyosha’s hand and pressed it warmly to his heart.
Tears positively glittered in his eyes.
‘That image of the Mother of God of which I was telling
you just now,’ he said. ‘Take it home and keep it for your-
self. And I’ll let you go back to the monastery.... I was joking
this morning, don’t be angry with me. My head aches, Alyo-
sha.... Alyosha, comfort my heart. Be an angel and tell me
the truth!’
‘You’re still asking whether she has been here or not?’
Alyosha said sorrowfully.
‘No, no, no. I believe you. I’ll tell you what it is: you go to
Grushenka yourself, or see her somehow; make haste and
ask her; see for yourself, which she means to choose, him or
me. Eh? What? Can you?’

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