The Brothers Karamazov

(coco) #1

 The Brothers Karamazov

had waked up, was conscious, and had let him go back to
sleep at the monastery.
‘Alyosha, I should be very glad to meet you to-morrow
morning,’ said Ivan cordially, standing up. His cordiality
was a complete surprise to Alyosha.
‘I shall be at the Hohlakovs’ to-morrow,’ answered Alyo-
sha, ‘I may be at Katerina Ivanovna’s, too, if I don’t find her
‘But you’re going to her now, anyway? For that ‘com-
pliments and farewell,’’ said Ivan smiling. Alyosha was
‘I think I quite understand his exclamations just now,
and part of what went before. Dmitri has asked you to go to
her and say that he- well, in fact — takes his leave of her?’
‘Brother, how will all this horror end between father and
Dmitri?’ exclaimed Alyosha.
‘One can’t tell for certain. Perhaps in nothing: it may all
fizzle out. That woman is a beast. In any case we must keep
the old man indoors and not let Dmitri in the house.’
‘Brother, let me ask one thing more: has any man a right
to look at other men and decide which is worthy to live?’
‘Why bring in the question of worth? The matter is most
often decided in men’s hearts on other grounds much more
natural. And as for rights — who has not the right to wish?’
‘Not for another man’s death?’
‘What even if for another man’s death? Why lie to oneself
since all men live so and perhaps cannot help living so. Are
you referring to what I said just now — that one reptile will
devour the other? In that case let me ask you, do you think

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