The Brothers Karamazov

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 0 The Brothers Karamazov

for the monk and for every man. For monks are not a spe-
cial sort of men, but only what all men ought to be. Only
through that knowledge, our heart grows soft with infinite,
universal, inexhaustible love. Then every one of you will
have the power to win over the whole world by love and
to wash away the sins of the world with your tears....Each
of you keep watch over your heart and confess your sins to
yourself unceasingly. Be not afraid of your sins, even when
perceiving them, if only there be penitence, but make no
conditions with God. Again, I say, be not proud. Be proud
neither to the little nor to the great. Hate not those who re-
ject you, who insult you, who abuse and slander you. Hate
not the atheists, the teachers of evil, the materialists — and
I mean not only the good ones — for there are many good
ones among them, especially in our day — hate not even the
wicked ones. Remember them in your prayers thus: Save,
O Lord, all those who have none to pray for them, save too
all those who will not pray. And add: it is not in pride that
I make this prayer, O Lord, for I am lower than all men....
Love God’s people, let not strangers draw away the flock, for
if you slumber in your slothfulness and disdainful pride, or
worse still, in covetousness, they will come from all sides
and draw away your flock. Expound the Gospel to the peo-
ple unceasingly... be not extortionate.... Do not love gold
and silver, do not hoard them.... Have faith. Cling to the
banner and raise it on high.’
But the elder spoke more disconnectedly than Alyosha
reported his words afterwards. Sometimes he broke off al-
together, as though to take breath and recover his strength,

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