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a firm rapid whisper, his voice no longer faltering.
‘What trick?’
‘A pretty trick,’ whispered the captain. His mouth was
twisted on the left side, his left eye was screwed up. He still
stared at Alyosha.
‘What is the matter? What trick?’ Alyosha cried, now
thoroughly alarmed.
‘Why, look,’ squealed the captain suddenly, and showing
him the two notes which he had been holding by one corner
between his thumb and forefinger during the conversation,
he crumpled them up savagely and squeezed them tight in
his right hand. ‘Do you see, do you see?’ he shrieked, pale
and infuriated. And suddenly flinging up his hand, he threw
the crumpled notes on the sand. ‘Do you see?’ he shrieked
again, pointing to them. ‘Look there!’
And with wild fury he began trampling them under his
heel, gasping and exclaiming as he did so:
‘So much for your money! So much for your money! So
much for your money! So much for your money!’
Suddenly he darted back and drew himself up before
Alyosha, and his whole figure expressed unutterable pride.
‘Tell those who sent you that the wisp of tow does not
sell his honour,’ he cried, raising his arm in the air. Then
he turned quickly and began to run; but he had not run
five steps before he turned completely round and kissed his
hand to Alyosha. He ran another five paces and then turned
round for the last time. This time his face was not contorted
with laughter, but quivering all over with tears. In a tearful,
faltering, sobbing voice he cried: