The Brothers Karamazov

(coco) #1
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suddenly the blood rushed to her head and sent a glow to
her cheeks.
‘I will go,’ she cried; ‘five years of my life! Good-bye!
Good-bye, Alyosha, my fate is sealed. Go, go, leave me all
of you, don’t let me see you again! Grushenka is flying to a
new life.... Don’t you remember evil against me either, Raki-
tin. I may be going to my death! Ugh! I feel as though I were
She suddenly left them and ran into her bedroom.
‘Well, she has no thoughts for us now!’ grumbled Rakitin.
‘Let’s go, or we may hear that feminine shriek again. I am
sick of all these tears and cries.’
Alyosha mechanically let himself be led out. In the yard
stood a covered cart. Horses were being taken out of the
shafts, men were running to and fro with a lantern. Three
fresh horses were being led in at the open gate. But when
Alyosha and Rakitin reached the bottom of the steps,
Grushenka’s bedroom window was suddenly opened and
she called in a ringing voice after Alyosha:
‘Alyosha, give my greetings to your brother Mitya and tell
him not to remember evil against me, though I have brought
him misery. And tell him, too, in my words: ‘Grushenka
has fallen to a scoundrel, and not to you, noble heart.’ And
add, too, that Grushenka loved him only one hour, only one
short hour she loved him — so let him remember that hour
all his life-say, ‘Grushenka tells you to!’
She ended in a voice full of sobs. The window was shut
with a slam.
‘H’m, h’m!’ growled Rakitin, laughing, ‘she murders your

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