The Brothers Karamazov

(coco) #1
1 The Brothers Karamazov

rarely lifted from his leather armchair, when the old wom-
an supporting him led him up and down the room once
or twice. He was morose and taciturn even with this old
When he was informed of the arrival of the ‘captain,’ he
at once refused to see him. But Mitya persisted and sent
his name up again. Samsonov questioned the lad minute-
ly: What he looked like? Whether he was drunk? Was he
going to make a row? The answer he received was: that he
was sober, but wouldn’t go away. The old man again refused
to see him. Then Mitya, who had foreseen this, and pur-
posely brought pencil and paper with him, wrote clearly on
the piece of paper the words: ‘On most important business
closely concerning Agrafena Alexandrovna,’ and sent it up
to the old man.
After thinking a little Samsonov told the lad to take the
visitor to the drawing-room, and sent the old woman down-
stairs with a summons to his younger son to come upstairs
to him at once. This younger son, a man over six foot and
of exceptional physical strength, who was closely-shaven
and dressed in the European style, though his father still
wore a kaftan and a beard, came at once without a comment.
All the family trembled before the father. The old man had
sent for this giant, not because he was afraid of the ‘captain’
(he was by no means of a timorous temper), but in order to
have a witness in case of any emergency. Supported by his
son and the servant lad, he waddled at last into the drawing-
room. It may be assumed that he felt considerable curiosity.
The drawing-room in which Mitya was awaiting him was

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