0 The Brothers Karamazov
I cherish the most honourable feelings for a certain per-
son, whom you know well, and care for as a father. I would
not have come, indeed, if it had not been as a father. And,
indeed, it’s a struggle of three in this business, for it’s fate-
that’s a fearful thing, Kuzma Kuzmitch! A tragedy, Kuzma
Kuzmitch, a tragedy! And as you’ve dropped out long ago,
it’s a tug-of-war between two. I’m expressing it awkwardly,
perhaps, but I’m not a literary man. You see, I’m on the one
side, and that monster on the other. So you must choose.
It’s either I or the monster. It all lies in your hands-.the fate
of three lives, and the happiness of two.... Excuse me, I’m
making a mess of it, but you understand... I see from your
venerable eyes that you understand... and if you don’t un-
derstand, I’m done for... so you see!’
Mitya broke off his clumsy speech with that, ‘so you see!’
and jumping up from his seat, awaited the answer to his
foolish proposal. At the last phrase he had suddenly become
hopelessly aware that it had all fallen flat, above all, that he
had been talking utter nonsense.
‘How strange it is! On the way here it seemed all right,
and now it’s nothing but nonsense.’ The idea suddenly
dawned on his despairing mind. All the while he had been
talking, the old man sat motionless, watching him with an
icy expression in his eyes. After keeping him for a moment
in suspense, Kuzma Kuzmitch pronounced at last in the
most positive and chilling tone:
‘Excuse me, we don’t undertake such business.’
Mitya suddenly felt his legs growing weak under him.
‘What am I to do now, Kuzma Kuzmitch?’ he muttered,