The Brothers Karamazov

(coco) #1

 0 The Brothers Karamazov

have been fighting with someone,’ he muttered.
They began to wash. Pyotr Ilyitch held the jug and poured
out the water. Mitya, in desperate haste, scarcely soaped his
hands (they were trembling, and Pyotr Ilyitch remembered
it afterwards). But the young official insisted on his soap-
ing them thoroughly and rubbing them more. He seemed
to exercise more and more sway over Mitya, as time went
on. It may be noted in passing that he was a young man of
sturdy character.
‘Look, you haven’t got your nails clean. Now rub your
face; here, on your temples, by your ear.... Will you go in
that shirt? Where are you going? Look, all the cuff of your
right sleeve is covered with blood.’
‘Yes, it’s all bloody,’ observed Mitya, looking at the cuff
of his shirt.
‘Then change your shirt.’
‘I haven’t time. You see I’ll...’ Mitya went on with the
same confiding ingenuousness, drying his face and hands
on the towel, and putting on his coat. ‘I’ll turn it up at the
wrist. It won’t be seen under the coat.... You see!’
‘Tell me now, what game have you been up to? Have you
been fighting with someone? In the tavern again, as before?
Have you been beating that captain again?’ Pyotr Ilyitch
asked him reproachfully. ‘Whom have you been beating
now... or killing, perhaps?’
‘Nonsense!’ said Mitya.
‘Don’t worry,’ said Mitya, and he suddenly laughed. ‘I
smashed an old woman in the market-place just now.’
‘Smashed? An old woman?’

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