0 The Brothers Karamazov
pause. ‘Timofey said they were a lot of them there-.’
‘At the station?’
‘Not at the posting-station, but at Plastunov’s, at the inn,
where they let out horses, too.’
‘I know. So you say there are a lot of them? How’s that?
Who are they?’ cried Mitya, greatly dismayed at this unex-
pected news.
‘Well, Timofey was saying they’re all gentlefolk. Two
from our town — who they are I can’t say — and there are
two others, strangers, maybe more besides. I didn’t ask par-
ticularly. They’ve set to playing cards, so Timofey said.’
‘So, maybe they’re not in bed if they’re at cards. It’s most
likely not more than eleven.’
‘Quicker, Andrey! Quicker!’ Mitya cried again, nervous-
‘May I ask you something, sir?’ said Andrey, after a pause.
‘Only I’m afraid of angering you, sir.’
‘What is it?’
‘Why, Fenya threw herself at your feet just now, and
begged you not to harm her mistress, and someone else,
too... so you see, sir- It’s I am taking you there... forgive me,
sir, it’s my conscience... maybe it’s stupid of me to speak of
Mitya suddenly seized him by the shoulders from be-
‘Are you a driver?’ he asked frantically.
‘Yes sir.’
‘Then you know that one has to make way. What would