The Brothers Karamazov

(coco) #1
1 The Brothers Karamazov

thought! ‘Pani Agrippina,’ the little Pole was beginning,
crimson with anger, when Mitya suddenly went up to him
and slapped him on the shoulder.
‘Most illustrious, two words with you.’cried Grushenka.
‘What do you want?’
‘In the next room, I’ve two words to say to you, some-
thing pleasant, very pleasant. You’ll be glad to hear it.’
The little pan was taken aback and looked apprehensively
at Mitya. He agreed at once, however, on condition that Pan
Vrublevsky went with them.
‘The bodyguard? Let him come, and I want him, too. I
must have him!’ cried Mitya. ‘March, panovie!’
‘Where are you going?’ asked Grushenka, anxiously.
‘We’ll be back in one moment,’ answered Mitya.
There was a sort of boldness, a sudden confidence shin-
ing in his eyes. His face had looked very different when he
entered the room an hour before.
He led the Poles, not into the large room where the cho-
rus of girls was assembling and the table was being laid,
but into the bedroom on the right, where the trunks and
packages were kept, and there were two large beds, with
pyramids of cotton pillows on each. There was a lighted
candle on a small deal table in the corner. The small man
and Mitya sat down to this table, facing each other, while
the huge Vrublevsky stood beside them, his hands behind
his back. The Poles looked severe but were evidently inquis-
‘What can I do for you, panie?’ lisped the little Pole.
‘Well, look here, panie, I won’t keep you long. There’s

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