The Brothers Karamazov

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money for you,’ he pulled out his notes. ‘Would you like
three thousand? Take it and go your way.’
The Pole gazed open-eyed at Mitya, with a searching
‘Three thousand, panie?’ He exchanged glances with
‘Three, panovie, three! Listen, panie, I see you’re a sen-
sible man. Take three thousand and go to the devil, and
Vrublevsky with you d’you hear? But, at once, this very
minute, and for ever. You understand that, panie, for ever.
Here’s the door, you go out of it. What have you got there, a
great-coat, a fur coat? I’ll bring it out to you. They’ll get the
horses out directly, and then-good-bye, panie!’
Mitya awaited an answer with assurance. He had no
doubts. An expression of extraordinary resolution passed
over the Pole’s face.
‘And the money, panie?’
‘The money, panie? Five hundred roubles I’ll give you this
moment for the journey, and as a first instalment, and two
thousand five hundred to-morrow, in the town — I swear
on my honour, I’ll get it, I’ll get it at any cost!’ cried Mitya.
The Poles exchanged glances again. The short man’s face
looked more forbidding.
‘Seven hundred, seven hundred, not five hundred, at
once, this minute, cash down!’ Mitya added, feeling some-
thing wrong. ‘What’s the matter, panie? Don’t you trust me?
I can’t give you the whole three thousand straight off. If I
give it, you may come back to her to-morrow.... Besides, I
haven’t the three thousand with me. I’ve got it at home in

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