The Brothers Karamazov

(coco) #1

 The Brothers Karamazov

The little pan, crimson with fury but still mindful of his
dignity, was making for the door, but he stopped short and
said suddenly, addressing Grushenka:
‘Pani, if you want to come with me, come. If not, good-
And swelling with indignation and importance he went
to the door. This was a man of character: he had so good an
opinion of himself that after all that had passed, he still ex-
pected that she would marry him. Mitya slammed the door
after him.
‘Lock it,’ said Kalganov. But the key clicked on the other
side, they had locked it from within.
‘That’s capital!’ exclaimed Grushenka relentlessly. ‘Serve
them right!’

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