The Brothers Karamazov

(coco) #1

10 The Brothers Karamazov

‘You stated just now in your evidence that you spent three
hundred roubles at Plotnikovs’. You gave Perhotin ten, your
driver twenty, here you lost two hundred, then..’
Nikolay Parfenovitch reckoned it all up. Mitya helped
him readily. They recollected every farthing and included it
in the reckoning. Nikolay Parfenovitch hurriedly added up
the total. ‘With this eight hundred you must have had about
fifteen hundred at first?’
‘I suppose so,’ snapped Mitya.
‘How is it they all assert there was much more?’
‘Let them assert it.’
‘But you asserted it yourself.’
‘Yes, I did, too.’
‘We will compare all this with the evidence of other per-
sons not yet examined. Don’t be anxious about your money.
It will be properly taken care of and be at your disposal
at the conclusion of... what is beginning... if it appears, or,
so to speak, is proved that you have undisputed right to it.
Well, and now..’
Nikolay Parfenovitch suddenly got up, and informed
Mitya firmly that it was his duty and obligation to conduct
a minute and thorough search ‘of your clothes and every-
thing else..’
‘By all means, gentlemen. I’ll turn out all my pockets, if
you like.’
And he did, in fact, begin turning out his pockets.
‘It will be necessary to take off your clothes, too.’
‘What! Undress? Ugh! Damn it! Won’t you search me as
I am? Can’t you?’

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