The Brothers Karamazov

(coco) #1
 The Brothers Karamazov

she did not know what sum it was, but had heard him tell
several people that he had three thousand with him. And to
the question where he got the money, she said that he had
told her that he had ‘stolen’ it from Katerina Ivanovna, and
that she had replied to that that he hadn’t stolen it, and that
he must pay the money back next day. On the prosecutor’s
asking her emphatically whether the money he said he had
stolen from Katerina Ivanovna was what he had spent yes-
terday, or what he had squandered here a month ago, she
declared that he meant the money spent a month ago, and
that that was how she understood him.
Grushenka was at last released, and Nikolay Parfeno-
vitch informed her impulsively that she might at once
return to the town and that if he could be of any assistance
to her, with horses for example, or if she would care for an
escort, he... would be-
‘I thank you sincerely,’ said Grushenka, bowing to him,
‘I’m going with this old gentleman; I am driving him back
to town with me, and meanwhile, if you’ll allow me, I’ll wait
below to hear what you decide about Dmitri Fyodorovitch.’
She went out. Mitya was calm, and even looked more
cheerful, but only for a moment. He felt more and more
oppressed by a strange physical weakness. His eyes were
closing with fatigue. The examination of the witnesses was,
at last, over. They procceded to a revision of the protocol.
Mitya got up, moved from his chair to the corner by the
curtain, lay down on a large chest covered with a rug, and
instantly fell asleep.
He had a strange dream, utterly out of keeping with the

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