The Brothers Karamazov

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 0 The Brothers Karamazov

warder; if you don’t eat them before evening, it will be that
your venomous spite is enough for you!’ With that I went
away. We quarrelled again, would you believe it? Whenever
I go we quarrel.’
Grushenka said all this in one breath in her agitation.
Maximov, feeling nervous, at once smiled and looked on
the floor.
‘What did you quarrel about this time?’ asked Alyosha.
‘I didn’t expect it in the least. Only fancy, he is jealous of
the Pole. ‘Why are you keeping him?’ he said. ‘So you’ve be-
gun keeping him.’ He is jealous, jealous of me all the time,
jealous eating and sleeping! He even took into his head to
be jealous of Kuzma last week.’
‘But he knew about the Pole before?’
‘Yes, but there it is. He has known about him from the
very beginning but to-day he suddenly got up and began
scolding about him. I am ashamed to repeat what he said.
Silly fellow! Rakitin went in as I came out. Perhaps Rakitin
is egging him on. What do you think?’ she added carelessly.
‘He loves you, that’s what it is; he loves you so much. And
now he is particularly worried.’
‘I should think he might be, with the trial to-morrow.
And I went to him to say something about to-morrow, for
I dread to think what’s going to happen then. You say that
he is worried, but how worried I am! And he talks about
the Pole! He’s too silly! He is not jealous of Maximushka
yet, anyway.’
‘My wife was dreadfully jealous over me, too,’ Maximov
put in his word.

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