The Brothers Karamazov

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Chapter 3

A Little Demon


OING in to Lise, he found her half reclining in the in-
valid-chair, in which she had been wheeled when she
was unable to walk. She did not move to meet him, but her
sharp, keen eyes were simply riveted on his face. There was
a feverish look in her eyes, her face was pale and yellow.
Alyosha was amazed at the change that had taken place in
her in three days. She was positively thinner. She did not
hold out her hand to him. He touched the thin, long fingers
which lay motionless on her dress, then he sat down facing
her, without a word.
‘I know you are in a hurry to get to the prison,’ Lise said
curtly, ‘and mamma’s kept you there for hours; she’s just
been telling you about me and Yulia.’
‘How do you know?’ asked Alyosha.
‘I’ve been listening. Why do you stare at me? I want to
listen and I do listen, there’s no harm in that. I don’t apolo-
‘You are upset about something?’
‘On the contrary, I am very happy. I’ve only just been
reflecting for the thirtieth time what a good thing it is I re-

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