
(Niar) #1
Figure 31.2 shows how interest rate targeting works. In both panels, rTis the target
federal funds rate. In panel (a), the initial money supply curve is MS 1 with money sup-
plyM 1 , and the equilibrium interest rate, r 1 , is above the target rate. To lower the in-
terest rate to rT,the Fed makes an open - market purchase of Treasury bills, which leads
to an increase in the money supply via the money multiplier. This is illustrated in

308 section 6 Inflation, Unemployment, and Stabilization Policies

figure 31.1

The Effect of an Increase
in the Money Supply on
the Interest Rate
The Federal Reserve can lower the inter-
est rate by increasing the money supply.
Here, the equilibrium interest rate falls
fromr 1 tor 2 in response to an increase in
the money supply from M 1 toM 2. In
order to induce people to hold the larger
quantity of money, the interest rate must
fall from r 1 tor 2.

M 2 Quantity
of money

r 1

r 2

rate, r

E 2

E 1

MS 1


MS 2

M 1

An increase
in the money

... leads to
a fall in the
interest rate.

M 2 Quantity
of money

r 1


rate, r

E 2

E 1

MS 1


MS 2

M 1

An open-market

M 1 Quantity
of money

r 1


rate, r

E 1

E 2

MS 2


MS 1

M 2

An open-market

(a) Pushing the Interest Rate
Down to the Target Rate

(b) Pushing the Interest Rate
Up to the Target Rate

... drives
rate up.
... drives
rate down.

figure 31.2 Setting the Federal Funds Rate

The Federal Reserve sets a target for the federal funds rate
and uses open -market operations to achieve that target. In
both panels the target rate is rT. In panel (a) the initial equilib-
rium interest rate, r 1 , is above the target rate. The Fed in-
creases the money supply by making an open - market purchase
of Treasury bills, pushing the money supply curve rightward,

fromMS 1 toMS 2 , and driving the interest rate down to rT. In
panel (b) the initial equilibrium interest rate, r 1 , is below the
target rate. The Fed reduces the money supply by making an
open - market sale of Treasury bills, pushing the money supply
curve leftward, from MS 1 toMS 2 , and driving the interest rate
up to rT.
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