
(Niar) #1

module 48 Other Elasticities 481

Section 9 Behind the Demand Curve: Consumer Choice

  1. Using the midpoint method, calculate the price elasticity of
    supply for web-design services when the price per hour rises
    from $100 to $150 and the number of hours supplied increases

from 300,000 hours to 500,000. Is supply elastic, inelastic,
or unit-elastic?

Tackle the Test: Multiple-Choice Questions

  1. If the cross-price elasticity between two goods is negative, this
    means that the two goods are
    a. substitutes.
    b. complements.
    c. normal.
    d. inferior.
    e. luxuries.

  2. If Kylie buys 200 units of good X when her income is $20,000
    and 300 units of good X when her income increases to $25,000,
    her income elasticity of demand, using the midpoint method, is
    a. 0.06.
    b. 0.5.
    c. 1.65.
    d. 1.8.
    e. 2.00.

  3. The income elasticity of demand for a normal good is
    a. zero.
    b. 1.
    c. infinite.
    d. positive.
    e. negative.
    4. A perfectly elastic supply curve is
    a. positively sloped.
    b. negatively sloped.
    c. vertical.
    d. horizontal.
    e. U-shaped
    5. Which of the following leads to a more inelastic price
    elasticity of supply?
    I. the use of inputs that are easily obtained
    II. a high degree of substitutability between inputs
    III. a shorter time period in which to supply the good
    a. I only
    b. II only
    c. III only
    d. I and II only
    e. I, II, and III

Tackle the Test: Free-Response Questions

  1. Refer to the table below to answer the following questions.
    Quantity of Quantity of
    Price of Good A Good A Demanded Good B Demanded
    $10 100 5
    8 110 10
    a. Using the midpoint method, calculate the price elasticity of
    demand for good A.
    b. Give the formula for calculating the cross-price elasticity of
    demand between good A and good B.
    c. Using the midpoint method, calculate the cross-price
    elasticity of demand between good A and good B.
    d. What does your answer for part c tell you about the
    relationship between the two goods? Explain.

Answer (5 points)

1 point:0.43

1 point:% change in quantity of good B/% change in price of good A or
(change in QB/average QB)/(change in PA/average PA)

1 point:− 3

1 point:They are complements.

1 point:Cross-price elasticity is negative—when the price of good A goes down, in
addition to buying more of good A, people buy more of good B to go along with it.

  1. Assume the price of corn rises by 20% and this causes suppliers
    to increase the quantity of corn supplied by 40%.
    a. Calculate the price elasticity of supply.
    b. In this case, is supply elastic or inelastic?
    c. Draw a correctly labeled graph of a supply curve illustrating
    the most extreme case of the category of elasticity you found
    in part b (either perfectly elastic or perfectly inelastic supply).
    d. What would likely be true of the availability of inputs for a
    firm with the supply curve you drew in part c? Explain.

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