
(Niar) #1

module 58 Introduction to Perfect Competition 589


(^) Market
(^) Structures:
(^) Perfect
(^) Competition
(^) and
(^) Monopoly
Tackle the Test: Multiple-Choice Questions

  1. A perfectly competitive firm will maximize profit at the
    quantity at which the firm’s marginal revenue equals
    a. price.
    b. average revenue.
    c. total cost.
    d. marginal cost.
    e. demand.

  2. Which of the following is correct for a perfectly competitive
    I. The marginal revenue curve is the demand curve.
    II. The firm maximizes profit when price equals marginal
    III. The market demand curve is horizontal.
    a. I only
    b. II only
    c. III only
    d. I and II only
    e. I, II, and III
    3. A firm is profitable if
    a. TR< TC.
    b.AR< ATC.
    c. MC< ATC.
    d.ATC< P.
    e. ATC > MC.
    4. If a firm has a total cost of $200, its profit-maximizing level
    of output is 10 units, and it is breaking even (that is, earning
    a normal profit), what is the market price?
    a. $200
    b. $100
    c. $20
    d. $10
    e. $2
    5. What is the firm’s profit if the price of its product is $5 and
    it produces 500 units of output at a total cost of $1,000?
    a. $5,000
    b. $2,500
    c. $1,500
    e. −$2,500

Tackle the Test: Free-Response Questions

  1. Draw a correctly labeled graph showing a profit-maximizing
    perfectly competitive firm producing at its minimum average
    total cost.

Answer (6 points)

1 point:Vertical axis and horizontal axis labels are correct (“Price, cost of
unit” on vertical axis; “Quantity” on horizontal axis).

1 point:The line representing demand, marginal revenue, and price is
horizontal and correctly labeled.

1 point:Marginal cost is “swoosh” shaped or upward sloping and correctly



MR = P = D

Price, cost
of unit


1 point:Average total cost is U-shaped and correctly labeled.
1 point:Quantity is found where MC=MR.
1 point:Average total cost reaches its minimum point at the
profit-maximizing level of output.

  1. Refer to the table provided. Price is equal to $14.
    a. Calculate the firm’s marginal cost at each quantity.
    b. Determine the firm’s profit-maximizing level of output.
    c. Calculate the firm’s profit at the profit-maximizing level of
    Short -Run Costs for Jennifer and Jason’s Farm
    Quantity of tomatoes Variable cost Total cost
    Q (bushels) VCTC
    0 $0 $14
    7 102 116

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