
(Niar) #1
b.If supply increases relatively more than demand
decreases, then the equilibrium quantity rises, as
shown here:

In both cases, the equilibrium price falls.

Tackle the Test:

Multiple-Choice Questions

  1. d

  2. b

  3. a

  4. a

  5. c

Tackle the Test:

Free-Response Question

Q 1 Q 2
Quantity (cups of coffee)

P 1

P 2

Price of
(per cup)
S 1

S 2


E 1

E 2

Q 1 Q 2
Quantity of computers

P 1

P 2

Price of
computer S^1

D 1

S 2

D 2

E 1

E 2

Q 2 Q 1
Quantity of computers

P 1

P 2

Price of
computer S^1

D 1

S 2

D 2

E 1

E 2

Module 8
Check Your Understanding

a.Fewer homeowners are willing to rent out their driveways
because the price ceiling has reduced the payment they
receive. This is an example of a fall in price leading to a
fall in the quantity supplied. This is shown in the accom-
panying diagram by the movement from point Eto point
Aalong the supply curve, a reduction in quantity of 400
parking spaces.
b.The quantity demanded increases by 400 spaces as the
price decreases. At a lower price, more fans are willing to
drive and rent a parking space. It is shown in the diagram
by the movement from point Eto point Balong the
demand curve.
c.Under a price ceiling, the quantity demanded exceeds
the quantity supplied; as a result, shortages arise. In
this case, there will be a shortage of 800 parking
spaces. It is shown by the horizontal distance between
points Aand B.
d.Price ceilings result in wasted resources. The additional
time fans spend to guarantee a parking space is wasted
e.Price ceilings lead to the inefficient allocation of goods—
here, the parking spaces—to consumers. If less serious
fans with connections end up with the parking spaces,
diehard fans have no place to park.
f.Price ceilings lead to black markets.

2.a.False. By lowering the price that producers receive,
a price ceiling leads to a decrease in the quantity
b.True. A price ceiling leads to a lower quantity supplied
than in an efficient, unregulated market. As a result,
some people who would have been willing to pay the
market price, and so would have gotten the good in an
unregulated market, are unable to obtain it when a price
ceiling is imposed.
c.True. Those producers who still sell the product now
receive less for it and are therefore worse off. Other pro-
ducers will no longer find it worthwhile to sell the prod-
uct at all and so will also be made worse off.

0 3,200 3,600 4,000 4,400 4,800





Parking fee

Quantity of parking spaces






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