
(Niar) #1
c.Decrease taxes, increase government purchases of goods
and services, or increase government transfers

Module 21

Check Your Understanding

  1. A $500 million increase in government purchases of
    goods and services directly increases aggregate spending
    by $500 million, which then starts the multiplier in
    motion. It will increase real GDP by $500 million ×
    1/(1−MPC). A $500 million increase in government
    transfers increases aggregate spending only to the extent
    that it leads to an increase in consumer spending.
    Consumer spending rises by MPC×$1 for every $1
    increase in disposable income, where MPCis less than 1.
    So a $500 million increase in government transfers will
    cause a rise in real GDP only MPCtimes as much as a
    $500 million increase in government purchases of goods
    and services. It will increase real GDP by $500 million ×

  2. If government purchases of goods and services fall by
    $500 million, the initial fall in aggregate spending is
    $500 million. If there is a $500 million tax increase, the
    initial fall in aggregate spending is MPC×$500 million,
    which is less than $500 million because some of the tax
    payments are made with money that would otherwise
    have been saved rather than spent.

  3. Boldovia will experience greater variation in its real GDP
    than Moldovia because Moldovia has automatic stabiliz-
    ers while Boldovia does not. In Moldovia the effects of
    slumps will be lessened by unemployment insurance ben-
    efits, which will support residents’ incomes, while the
    effects of booms will be diminished because tax revenues
    will go up. In contrast, incomes will not be supported in
    Boldovia during slumps because there is no unemploy-
    ment insurance. In addition, because Boldovia has lump-
    sum taxes, its booms will not be diminished by increases
    in tax revenue.

Tackle the Test:

Multiple-Choice Questions

  1. c

  2. b

  3. b

  4. c

  5. e

Tackle the Test:

Free-Response Questions

  1. a.$50 million
    multiplier=1/(1−MPC)=1/(1−0.75)=1/0.25= 4
    change in G × 4 =$200 million
    change in G =$50 million
    b. 10
    $20×multiplier=$200 million
    multiplier=200/20= 10
    1/(1−MPC)=1/MPS= 10

Module 22
Check Your Understanding

  1. The transaction costs for (a) a bank deposit and (b) a
    share of a mutual fund are approximately equivalent
    because each can typically be accomplished by making a
    phone call, going online, or visiting a branch office.
    Transaction costs are highest for (c) a share of a family
    business since finding a buyer for the share consumes time
    and resources. The level of risk is lowest for (a) a bank
    deposit, since these deposits are insured by the Federal
    Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) up to $250,000;
    somewhat higher for (b) a share of a mutual fund since
    despite diversification, there is still risk associated with
    holding stocks; and highest for (c) a share of a family busi-
    ness since this investment is not diversified. The level of
    liquidity is the lowest for (c) a share of a family business,
    since it can be sold only with the unanimous agreement of
    other members and it will take some time to find a buyer;
    higher for (b) a share of a mutual fund, since it will take
    only a few days between selling your shares and the pay-
    ment being processed; and highest for (a) a bank deposit,
    since withdrawals can usually be made immediately.

  2. Economic development and growth are the result of, among
    other factors, investment spending on physical capital.
    Since investment spending is equal to savings, the greater
    the amount saved, the higher investment spending will be,
    and so the higher growth and economic development will
    be. So the existence of institutions that facilitate savings
    will help a country’s growth and economic development. As
    a result, a country with a financial system that provides low
    transaction costs, opportunities for diversification of risk,
    and high liquidity to its savers will experience faster growth
    and economic development than a country that doesn’t.
    Tackle the Test:
    Multiple-Choice Questions

  3. d

  4. e

  5. a

  6. d

  7. b
    Tackle the Test:
    Free-Response Questions

  8. Mutual fund–a financial intermediary that creates a
    stock portfolio by buying and holding shares in compa-
    nies and then selling shares of the stock portfolioto indi-
    vidual investors.
    Life insurance company–a firm that guarantees a
    payment to the policyholder’s beneficiaries (typically, the
    family) when the policyholder dies.
    Bank–an institution that helps resolve the conflict
    between lenders’ needs for liquidity and the illiquid
    financing needs of borrowers who don’t want to use the
    stock or bond markets.
    Pension fund–a nonprofit institution that collects the
    savings of its members and invests those funds in a vari-
    ety of assets, providing its members with income when
    they retire.


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