
(Niar) #1
Module 71
Check Your Understanding

  1. a.Clive is made worse off if, before the new law, he had
    preferred to work more than 35 hours per week. As a
    result of the law, he can no longer choose his preferred
    time allocation; he now consumes fewer goods and more
    leisure than he would like.
    b.Clive’s utility is unaffected by the law if, before the
    law, he had preferred to work 35 or fewer hours per
    week. The law has not changed his preferred time
    c.Clive can never be made better off by a law that restricts
    the number of hours he can work. He can only be made
    worse off (case a) or equally as well off (case b).

  2. The substitution effect would induce Clive to work fewer
    hours and consume more leisure after his wage rate
    falls—the fall in the wage rate means the price of an hour
    of leisure falls, leading Clive to consume more leisure.
    But a fall in his wage rate also generates a fall in Clive’s
    income. The income effect of this is to induce Clive to
    consume less leisure and therefore work more hours,
    since he is now poorer and leisure is a normal good. If
    the income effect dominates the substitution effect, Clive
    will in the end work more hours than before.
    Tackle the Test:
    Multiple-Choice Questions

  3. d

  4. a

  5. e

  6. c

  7. d
    Tackle the Test:
    Free-Response Questions

Module 72
Check Your Understanding

  1. Yes, the firm is employing the cost-minimizing combina-
    tion of inputs because the marginal product per dollar is

Market labor
demand curve = MRPL 1

Market labor
supply curve


Quantity of labor


E 1

W 2



L 2

E 2


Module 70

Check your Understanding

  1. a.This would increase the supply of land, shifting the sup-
    ply curve to the right and leading to a new equilibrium at
    a lower rental rate and a higher quantity.
    b.This would increase the marginal product of land and
    thus the value of the marginal product of land. The VMP
    curve for land would shift to the right, leading to a new
    equilibrium at a higher rental rate and a higher quantity.

  2. When firms from different industries compete for the same
    land, an inter-industry land market develops and, other
    things being equal, each unit of land used by the various
    industries will rent for the same equilibrium rental rate, R.
    According to the marginal productivity theory of income
    distribution, VMP for land =Rfor the last unit of land rent-
    ed. Because each industry rents until VMP for land =R,the
    last unit of land rented in each of these different industries
    will have the same value of the marginal product of land.

Tackle the Test:

Multiple-Choice Questions

  1. a

  2. c

  3. a

  4. c

  5. e

Tackle the Test:

Free-Response Questions

Quantity of land


DLand = VMPLand




Quantity of labor


Original Labor

New Labor


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