Learning & Leading With Habits of Mind

(avery) #1
Word Splash for Taking Responsible Risks

Do your thing Challenged Adventuresome
Courageous Roving New pathways
Exploration Ve n t u r e Daring
Pathfinders Va g a b o n d Unconventional
Individualistic Gamble Free-spirited
Living on the edge Bold Just do it

Word Splash for Finding Humor

Merry disposition Laughable Funnybone
Laugh at yourself Funny Comic
Comedian Jokester Absurd
Bizarre Satirical Pun
Capricious Playful Irony
Fanciful Comedy Caricature
Wittiness Clown Whimsical

Word Splash for Thinking Interdependently

Ohana (Hawaiian Social Harmonious
word for family, Family Interdependence
team, or spirit Mutual Support group
of community) Reciprocity Collegial
Cooperative Amicable Collaborative
Congenial Te a m w o r k Reciprocal
Sense of community Interconnected Synergistic

Word Splash for Remaining Open to Continuous Learning

Continuous learning Mastery Problem finding
Autopoesis Kaizen Insatiable
Inquisitive Dissatisfied Self-modifying
Learning from Self-help Self-evaluating
experience Commitment Lifelong learning
Perpetual student Self-actualizing Failing forward
Continual learner

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