Learning & Leading With Habits of Mind

(avery) #1
Assessing Habits of Mind 205

Rubric for Thinking Flexibly

Level of





In Repertoire
Uses time and resources cre-
atively to find as many ways as
possible to look at a situation.
Evaluates these many ways to
see how useful they might be.
Expresses appreciation for
others’ points of view.
Changes mind and incorpo-
rates others’ points of view in
own thinking.
Finds a variety of ways to look
at a situation and evaluates
how useful they are.
Describes some ways others’
points of view are found to be
new and different from own
Describes different ways of
looking at a situation from
own perspective.

Looks at a situation in only
one way, and that way often is
one’s own. Looks no further
even when it is clear that
doing so would be helpful.

In Perspective
Consistently explores as many
alternatives as time and
resources will allow and ana-
lyzes how the identified alter-
natives will affect outcomes.
The alternatives illustrate
extremely diverse but highly
useful ways of looking at

Consistently generates alter-
native ways of approaching
tasks and analyzes how the
alternatives will affect those
tasks. Some alternatives show
originality in the approach to
the tasks.
Sporadically generates alterna-
tive ways of approaching tasks
and analyzes how the alterna-
tives will affect those tasks.
Some alternatives show origi-
nality in the approach to the
Rarely generates alternative
ways of approaching tasks.
The few alternatives lack

Source: Tamalpais Elementary School, Mill Valley, California. Based on Marzano, Pickering, and McTighe, 1993.

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