Learning & Leading With Habits of Mind

(avery) #1

Te a c h e r s u s e d t h e s e p h r a s e s t o d e s c r i b e 3 r d a n d 4 t h g r a d e s t u d e n t s ’
writing as the teachers reflected upon it:

  • Uses humor.
    •Talks about genre or type of writing.
    •Attends to style (uses dialogue).
    •Describes well enough for a reader to picture what was written.
    •Focuses on script.
    •Focuses on description.
    •Offers information.
    •Is interesting.

Learning Through Reflection 231

Students’ Stages of Reflection

Describes what is drawn.
Focuses on drawing.
Comments on realism.
Shows interest (what student really loves).
Mentions use of color.
Mentions use of letters.
Pays attention to what letters spell.
1st Grade
Focuses on conventions.
Wants papers to have a neat appearance.
Ta l k s a b o u t w h a t w a s l i k e d i n d r a w i n g.
2nd Grade
Focuses on details.
Focuses on colors.
Shows development of an idea.
Relates to content of story (how student feels about the content of
what was written).
3rd–5th Grade (Learning-to-Read Stage)
Responds in depth to dictation.
Starts to write by self.
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