Learning & Leading With Habits of Mind

(avery) #1
•Confuses you.
•Seems important.
•Is new or interesting.

Have each pair share one question that the group tries to answer. Finally,
discuss your thoughts as a group and imagine how this reading might
influence your work.

Protocol 4

Have each member of the group read the chapter individually. As a
group, use the following format to analyze the text before discussion:

•What if...?

  • Why did...?

  • How did...?
    •What would happen if...?

  • What might...?
    •Why do you think...?
    •What implications...?
    •Why is...?

  • How can...?

  • How can we know whether...?
    In addition to providing a way to find deeper meaning in the text, all
    four protocols will give the group an opportunity to practice the following
    Habits of Mind:

•Listening with understanding and empathy.
•Thinking flexibly.
•Remaining open to continuous learning.
•Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision.

Literature Circles

Penn Valley School in Lower Merion, Pennsylvania, created literature
circles to study a book that included information about the Habits of
Mind. You might consider forming your own literature circles to study

xxviiiLearning and Leading with Habits of Mind

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