Learning & Leading With Habits of Mind

(avery) #1

260 Learning and Leading with Habits of Mind

Rubric for School Report Card

Source: John Lyman Elementary School, Middlefield, Connecticut.

4 = Exemplary
Initiates extensions independently.
Reflects on own learning.
Makes connections across disciplines.
3 = Proficient
Wo r k s i n d e p e n d e n t ly.
Seeks help when needed.
Applies acquired skills consistently.
2 = Developing
Works on familiar tasks with growing independence.
Begins to acquire repertoire of skills.
1 = Emerging
Depends on adult or peer assistance.
Has limited skills.

Excerpt from 4th Grade Report Card

Makes appropriate choices to complete tasks
and meet goals (seat choice, use of time).
Shows thoroughness in work.
Wo r k i s n e a t a n d l e g i b l e.
Makes smooth transitions.
Ta k e s r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r a c t i o n s.
Communicates needs, concerns, feelings,
and opinions.
Works cooperatively and productively with
a variety of peers.
Makes positive contributions to the school
community (study buddy, school chores,
school boards, senate, assembly).

Citizenship * Work Habits Nov. March June

Source: John Lyman Elementary School, Middlefield, Connecticut.
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