Learning & Leading With Habits of Mind

(avery) #1

The Tahoma School District in Maple Valley, Washington, is
another example of a district that seeks parent input on the Habits of
Mind. Parents report to teachers about their child’s progress by describ-
ing specific examples of how their child is exhibiting the Habits of Mind
at home. See Figure 11.11, p. 214, for a blank report.

Putting Students at the Center

Because students are at the center of all reporting, it makes sense that
they should become a part of the reporting procedure. Many schools now
are conscious of the need to help students learn how to self-evaluate, and
they include students in the reporting process. Children are part of par-
ent conferences, they write narratives for their parents on their report
cards, and they grade themselves as a part of the report card.
Including students in a conference provides them with another rich
opportunity to practice their Habits of Mind. They must be reflective and
metacognitive, and they must check for accuracy and precision. As they
organize their learning, they also make sense of their learning. They set
goals for themselves that foster the habit of remaining open to continuous
Te a c h e r s w h o c o n d u c t s t u d e n t - l e d c o n f e r e n c e s u s u a l l y w r i t e l e t t e r s t o
parents offering them the option of attending the conference with their
child or not. Most parents opt to attend the conference with the child.
Sometimes, parents want a few minutes alone with the teacher, too. The
teacher then offers activities to keep the student occupied during the pri-
vate conversation.
At the elementary level, some teachers conduct four conferences
simultaneously in the classroom. The teacher sets up activities such as

•Student shares portfolio.
•Student solves a problem that is on the board.
•Student describes the student’s present work in the classroom.
•Student, parents, and teacher reflect on student’s work and set goals
for the next quarter of work.

Reporting Growth in Habits of Mind 263
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