Learning & Leading With Habits of Mind

(avery) #1

Studying student work is another way to encourage reflection on prac-
tice. There are many protocols that are used for this purpose (McDonald,
Mohr, Dichter, & McDonald, 2003). The essence of the practice is to
bring examples of student work to the group for the group’s input as to
whether the work reflects the identified learning outcomes. For example,
the group might want to study whether students are showing evidence of
skillful decision making or of metacognition in their work. They might
study the responses that students have described in their writing or on a
student-produced video to determine whether the student is becoming
more skillful in one or more Habits of Mind.
Book study is key. The staff is encouraged to study books that deal
with teaching and other realms of education. Much like the close study
of text that they expect from their students, the teachers read deeply, delv-
ing into the text of their books chapter by chapter, seeking applications in
the dailiness of their teaching.
Highly successful educators discuss student progress with their col-
leagues and share ideas with each other. They believe that collegial dis-
cussions centered on teaching and learning have more impact on their
practices than formal administrative observations and evaluations (Bello,
2004). Each of these practices helps to build a thoughtful (sensitive and
caring) and thought-full (full of thought) environment that supports the
importance of skillful thinking.

Continual Learning

Autopoesis: (Greek) Self-production. The characteristic of living
systems to continuously renew themselves and to regulate this
process in such a way that the integrity of their structure is main-
tained. It is a natural process which supports the quest for struc-
ture, process renewal and integrity.
—Margaret Wheatley and Myron Kellner-Rogers (1996)

Senge (1990) emphasizes that a learning organization challenges
existing mental models. Intellectual growth is found in disequilibrium,
not balance. Out of chaos, order is built, learning takes place, new under-
standings are forged, new connections are bridged, and organizations
come to function more consistently with their mission, vision, and goals.

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