Learning & Leading With Habits of Mind

(avery) #1

Te a c h e r s a r e u s i n g t h e H a b i t s o f M i n d a s a n i n t e g r a l p a r t o f t h e i r
instruction as they work to polish and sharpen their own use of the habits.
Students are becoming more aware of the importance of the habits, and
it is not unusual to hear them making such remarks as “Remember, we
must persevere.” Many students keep notebooks in which they reflect on
and make notes about experiences in which they have been required to
use the Habits of Mind to solve problems or accomplish tasks. These note-
books are full of examples demonstrating how the habits have been inter-
nalized and practiced on a daily basis at school, on the job, and at home.
This profound awareness will serve the students well as they continue
their journey through the world.
I believe it is important that school principals be a part of any learn-
ing activity they require of teachers. The habit I chose to continuously
seek to improve was managing impulsivity. It is becoming increasingly
more difficult, given the many unreasonable demands on the schools
from outside the school community, where compliance overshadows
competence and caring. Still, my awareness of the habits serves as a guide
and enables me to find humor in absurd situations and to persevere.
Study and practice of the Habits of Mind have developed a high level
of self-awareness, skills, and attitudes within the school community, lead-
ing to a deep and abiding capacity for trust and better understanding
among the community members. Furr is a “throwaway” school no more!
E. L. Furr High School is a school of compassionate, creative, productive,
and responsible individuals who work together in a joyful, collaborative
environment to provide the best education possible for all students. It is
truly a professional learning community in the highest sense and a vibrant
place of teaching and learning. Hector, a student, said it best when he
remarked, “Miss, Furr feels like a real school.” We are all committed to
keeping it “real.”

A “Throwaway” School No More 347
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