Learning & Leading With Habits of Mind

(avery) #1

to one-word descriptions. The habits are publicized in the school newslet-
ter and teachers’ communications with parents, featured in the weekly
school announcements, and modeled in monthly assemblies. The Habits
of Mind vocabulary is heard in students’ conversations and seen in their
writing. Teachers are committed to the value of the Habits of Mind and
provide leadership in supporting full implementation. They reinforce the
habits in the classroom curriculum and label the monthly habit when it
is demonstrated by students in their classrooms.
Students eagerly anticipate the monthly assemblies because each
Habit of Mind is reinforced with an original skit, song, or story. For exam-
ple, 5th grade students helped the principal craft new lyrics for the song
“Celebration” for the elaborationHabit of Mind, a component of creat-
ing, imagining, and innovating:

Come on!
Come on!

We l l t h e r e ’s s o m e t h i n k i n ’ g oi n g o n r i g h t h e r e
Adding on to other thoughts
So bring your good ideas and your voice too
We ’r e g o n n a e l a b o r a t e a n d l e a r n a w h o l e l o t t o o
Come on now

Let’s all think and have a good time
We ’r e g o n n a m a k e o u r w r i t i n g F I N E!

It’s time to come together
It’s up to you... show your thinking
Everyone at Glacier Park... come on!

374 Learning and Leading with Habits of Mind

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